In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Saturday, September 10, 2011

In Remission and On a Mission

Today was a beautiful day as Tim and Marc participated in the Closer to Free Bike Ride for cancer research.  They had great time riding 25 miles with about 250 other participants, several of which were cancer survivors.  Tim wore a sign that read " In Remission and On a Mission" as a testimony of how God has brought him through some dark days and allowed him to participate in this event. It meant so much to Tim to be able to ride.  It is almost 2 years to the day that Tim was first diagnosed with cancer.

Thank you to all those who gave to support and sponsor Tim and Marc - so far they have raised $1125!  Way to go guys!  If you did not get a chance to give, but would like to, you can go to and click ride a sponsor.  They will accept sponsors until September 30th.  You can also go to that site to read more about the ride today.  We really appreciate each one of you that sponsored the guys!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Tree on our car
McKayla and Mark help wash the clothes
We survived the hurricane that came through last week.  We were without electricity, phones and Internet for 5 days.  We did have a tree fall on our car, but the damage was very little. We became very resourceful during our experience - we moved what food we could salvage to coolers and had to venture out to find ice each day.  The kids enjoyed doing laundry in buckets one day and learned what it was like to live "Little House on the Prairie style."  We are so thankful that we had water - while it was cold, it was still water.  Several people in our church have wells, so they have been without water in addition to all the other needs.  We are also thankful that the damage around us was not as severe as those in the town over from us whose homes were completely destroyed by the storm.  Our prayers are with them as they begin the task of rebuilding their lives.

By the way, Happy Birthday to Tim - he is 45 today!!!  He had another good report at the doctor this week and is very much looking forward to the bike ride next Saturday.