In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Sunday, May 30, 2010


It's too quiet around here! All of the kids - yes, I said ALL of the kids went to Pennsylvania to stay with Grandma Zac, Uncle Mike and Aunt Sheryl for several days. The kids were so excited to go. We think that Sheryl lost her mind when she asked if she could take them home with her and keep them for a week. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in her house right now!

Mom and Dad don't know what to do. No one is calling our name, no one needs to be fed, no fights to break up, no sports activities to drive to, no baths to give...IT'S TOO QUIET!!! We miss our kiddos, but we are going to try to enjoy this week together before Tim's treatment really picks up. They will be back later this week when Grandma and Grandpa Ashmore (Stacie's parents) join us in Connecticut for a few weeks. They are coming to help as Tim's chemo treatments get underway.

This week's schedule is somewhat calm. We are waiting to find out if the stem cells that were collected last week are okay. Because Tim developed an infection during the collection process (not because of the collection, but because of his weakened immune system), there is a possibility that the stem cells will be rejected and he will have to go through another round of collection. Not fun! The stem cells are being checked for infection, and we should know some time this week whether or not they are okay to use. We are praying that the stem cells are good so that the therapy will be able to begin on schedule.


  1. Enjoy won't last long!!

  2. It is quiet in Connecticut, but exciting in PA. We had a blast yesterday, and we are looking forward today. Enjoy your time! Mike and Sheryl

  3. Pastor Tim and Mrs. Stacie, As I read your Blog, it brought back many memories of our own experiences.
    I can say that it has been 14 months since my own stem cell transplant at Duke. It has been a slow process. I could not even work in the yard last summer. But, now, I am back to mowing (with a push mower) regularly. I am even working some 10 hour days at work. My strength and stamina are coming back nicely. I say all of this to be an encouragement to you folks. The LORD has been so good to us and has brought us through this process. So, just remember, that better days are coming. You are in our thoughts and prayers. If either of you ever need to talk, just let us know.Bob and Ginny Surgeon Lewisburg, WV.

  4. Know that our prayers are with you. Our whole church has been praying for you constantly, we know that God is with you and His will, will be done.

