In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How I’m Doing...

First of all, I want to thank all of the countless people who are praying for me and sending me notes of encouragement. I really do not feel that I would be doing as well as I am without the prayers and strength I have received from God’s people.

It is coming up on a month since my treatment began. As you can see I have lost all of my hair, but unlike Samson, I am gaining strength instead of losing it. (Sorry for the comparison. I know there really is no comparison.) I continue experience weakness and fatigue during the day. I have learned to take an afternoon nap and go to bed early. This seems to help. It makes me feel like an old man sometimes, but maybe I am. Any of you senior saints out there take an afternoon nap? Please pray that my full strength will return soon.

Slowly, but surely, my taste and my appetite are returning. I have lost about 10 pounds simply because I do not want to eat much since nothing tastes just right. I eat anyway just because I need to.

So what do I do during the day? I try to find something productive every day to occupy my time and make me useful. Today, I painted a door. It took an hour or so. That’s about all I can do physically today. I have also been preparing messages, doctrinal essays, and counseling ministry guidelines. This work for the church is very satisfying for me. Also, I have read a large book, and some have given me CD’s for my listening pleasure. Besides that, I take care of the pool, pay some bills, go for walks, and yes- nap.
There is always a nap.

Rest is good, but I hope to get back to church sooner than later. With God’s help and your prayers I will. Keep holding me up.


  1. Have you thought about changing your name to "Yul?" At least for the duration?

  2. I am just a little older than you, but I find myself taking afternoon naps -- during the summer, of course, when school is out.

  3. Pastor Tim, sounds so familiar as I read your latest post. The comparison to Samson is very good. I know how you feel about the prayers holding you up. I would never have made it without the prayers of GOD's people. I know you have some great days ahead. The eating will get better. Mine has been too good. I really need to lose some weight now. I have been able to even work some overtime at work. The LORD has been good to me and I can tell has blessed you and your family greatly. Bob and Ginny

  4. it was great to read post from you. i stay updated through mrs. stacie's posting. praying for you and know God will (and is) use this for His glory!
