In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Amazing Opportunity

We live just outside of New Haven, Connecticut, which is the home of Yale University.  Ever since we moved here and started our church (, we have always wanted to reach the Yale community.  Tim has recently been given an amazing opportunity and is so excited about the potential.  A young man in our church is a student at the Yale Law School.  He recently submitted Tim's name to be a guest lecturer there at Yale, and the request was granted.  So, starting tomorrow night (1/24) and going for the next 13 weeks until the end of the semester, Tim will be leading a one credit reading group for the law students there on the campus of Yale! He will be lecturing and leading a discussion on the Judeo-Christian heritage of our American forefathers and the influence their beliefs had on the founding of our country.  There are already about 9 students signed up and there is the potential for several more.  Please be in prayer for Tim as he leads this group.  It is a huge commitment as he has to add a lot of extra study and preparation time to his week, but he is really looking forward to it and what the Lord could do through this class. 
(Update: He just returned from his 6 week visit with the oncologist.  Things still look great - Praise the Lord!)


  1. That's amazing!! I love the opportunities God provides. I hope you get some good feedback from the students.

  2. Hey Tim, It was great to see you and your family and hear about what is going on in your life. Last time I saw you and your wife, you were traveling for PCC, I think. Don't know if you remember eating lunch at our home in FL after visiting our church there. Sorry to hear about your cancer. I will pray for that specifically. My family is now back in MI after living in FL, IL and TX. David is the senior pastor at Fellowship Baptist in East China, right on the border of Canada, north of Detroit. What an opportunity for you to teach at Yale! Prayed for salvation and changed lives there! Lisa (Wells) Bunyan

  3. I don't remember thinking that one day you would be teaching a course at yale Law School, but am praying that God makes it an open door to changed lives and a blessing to your church.

    Pastor Tim Brondyke
