In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Friday, January 6, 2012

Chicken Pox ... Seriously?!?

Tim woke up on Monday morning with little red spots all over himself and he was itching like crazy!  At first we thought it may be hives, but called the oncologist just to be sure he was okay.  A visit to the doctor that afternoon confirmed that he definitely had chicken pox. Seriously?  Chicken pox at this age???  Apparently, stem cell transplant patients are highly susceptible to the chicken pox and shingles viruses. The doctor gave him a very strong anti-viral medication and by yesterday, the spots were fading and the itching had begun to subside. He is feeling much better, now.  And you thought chicken pox were only for kids!  We are just wondering who he unknowingly shared them with in the days leading up to the rash breaking out.  Um...sorry about that...

This is just one incident in a long line of things that have happened to us since the week of Christmas.  Remember that nice, quiet week I was hoping for in my last post?  Well, that was only a dream!  Two days before Christmas, Tim got pink eye and then gave it to two of the kids.  Then, on Christmas day, our hot water heater quit working.  Two days after Christmas, our boiler unit went out and we found black smoke billowing through the basement.  No one was injured - just the bank account.  Then, I got a bad flu bug and then the chicken pox got Tim...  and then...well, there is more, but I won't bore you.  It's just that something we affectionately call the "Zac Curse" has struck yet again.  It's our version of Murphy's law - anything that can go wrong will go wrong and it will usually happen in a cluster of several consecutive events.  We joke about the Zac Curse to keep from crying when things happen like this one after the other after the other.  We realize that our troubles could be much worse, but a string of challenges like these has the ability rob us of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength.  Having a sense of humor - and spending a lot of time in prayer - certainly helps get us through the tough days.

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