In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day -2 and Counting

Today was a long day for us... we arrived at the hospital around 7:45 in the morning and finally got back home around 4:00 this afternoon. There was a lot that had to be done before Tim could actually begin the chemotherapy. He had a PICC line inserted into his arm. This is just a tiny catheter inserted into his arm which allows the nurses to draw blood and give the medications he needs without poking him with so many needles. He will have to have blood work done for the next 15 days, so he was glad that they gave him this device. However, the procedure took a long time and then we had to wait for the test results after the line was inserted to be sure it was functioning properly before they could use it. (This may be more information than some would like to know, but others of you are into the details, so...we will include some of them.) Then, there was concern because his white blood counts were very low; the treatment team had to locate the doctor overseeing the transplant to make sure that it was okay to begin the chemo. We waited patiently as they determined whether or not he should start the chemo. Finally, the word came that he should go ahead.

We were both pretty anxious as the time came near for the actual chemo drug to start dripping into his body. We have been given so much information on the side effects and what to expect over the next several weeks, it is a bit unnerving. We have really had to just rest in the Lord these last few days and trust that He will take care of Tim. We have been blessed to recently hear sermons on trusting in the Lord and resting in the Lord. Last Sunday, Pastor Aspray from Rhode Island preached on Proverbs 3:5 & 6. It was a great encouragement to be reminded that even when we don't understand what is happening in our lives, we are to be prepared to go wherever He leads us and not rely on our own faulty wisdom. We can trust that He knows what is best for us and in the end, we will be able to look back and see that His way was the perfect way.

Yesterday, Pastor Jeremy Rowland from Baptist Church Planting Ministry spoke in our Adult Bible Class. He spoke on the passage from Psalm 46:10 that says, "Be still and know that I am God." It was a great reminder to us that God is in control and we are to let go and release our fears into His hands. God is our refuge - our place of retreat where we receive comfort and strength to go on in the middle of trials. We are so grateful that we have a God Who is faithful to us and calls us to run to Him and rest in Him so that we might receive the grace to continue in the path He has for us.

Tim is pretty tired tonight, and experiencing mild side effects of one of the medications he received today, but he is in good spirits. Thank you for the e-mails and cards many of you have sent in the last week. We truly appreciate each prayer that is offered up on our behalf.


  1. Praise the Lord for your example of faithfulness and trust in this trial.
    Marc Knoedler
