In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day +10

Yesterday, Tim's platelets were up so he didn't need to have a transfusion. His white blood count had started to inch up as well...all the way from 100 to 200! Today (Saturday), his platelets were really low - low enough that he should have had another transfusion, but because his white blood count had come up even more (up to 700), the doctor wanted to see how well his body would produce platelets on its own. So he will be tested again tomorrow and if they are still low, he will receive another transfusion. The doctor said that all of his levels will go up and down for a few days until they begin to steadily climb sometime in the coming week.

Tim is definitely feeling better and coming out of the lowest part of the treatment. He still tires easily, but has had two pretty good days. He is beginning to get his taste back. Not everything tastes like it should, but things are improving, so he is eating better. He still has to be careful about being in crowds for a while. His immune system has been destroyed with this treatment, so he needs to be very careful until it has completely rebuilt itself.

McKayla ran a fever again yesterday and her appetite has not been good, but today, her fever broke and she has been back to her perky self. She still doesn't have her appetite back, but she is doing better. The kids have had a few melt downs this week...just having a hard time dealing with things, but they are doing well considering all that is going on. We appreciate your prayers for them. So far, no one else has come down with a fever.


  1. We're still praying! Praise the Lord for the progress that has been made.

  2. Tony and I have been praying for your whole family. Pastor is also on our prayer list at church! It is so helpful to have your parents there to help. What a BLESSING!

  3. Hi Tim and Stacie! Just wanted to say hello and tell you you've got many praying friends here in P'cola! I remember being told by my oncologist that I'd not survive my cancer, yet I'll be celebrating my 5th anniversary in August of being cancer free. No sickness is too great for The Healer if healing is His plan. God made it clear to me He wanted me to take a holistic approach. I gathered a lot of info during my journey. You probably have plenty of info already, but if you'd like some of the articles I found especially helpful, just say the word and I'll get them to you. I'll leave you with this verse [Psalm 103:2-3] and the promise to continue to pray. with affection, Rhonda Autrey
