In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This post is for those of you who like details. Each morning when we arrive at the hospital, Tim receives IV fluids to keep from dehydration, antibiotics to keep from infection and has his blood drawn and sent to the lab. At the lab, they check several things in his blood: his red blood cell count, his white blood cell count, his platelet count and more. Because of the chemo, his white blood cells are expected to fall very low. Typically, your white blood count is between 5,000 and 10,000. Today, his white blood count was 100 -yes, 100. This is why he is at such a risk for infection and must be very careful where he goes and who he is around. His platelets which help with clotting were at 19 today - they should be around 150. So he had to receive a transfusion of platelets this morning. His blood pressure was also very low today, so they monitored that closely. As he received extra IV fluids, his blood pressure came up and stabilized.

Needless to say, Tim is very weak as a result of what is happening in his blood and gets tired just sitting up talking for any length of time. He is at a very difficult point in the treatment because of how awful he feels. He is not in any pain, but he is nauseated, and experiencing several other side effects, especially severe fatigue. The doctor says that he should start turning the corner by day 10 which is Saturday. This is when the side effects of the chemo will begin to subside a bit and the stem cells that he received last week will begin to engraft. He is very much looking forward to Saturday!

My mom and dad have been a huge help since they have been here. Daddy and I have been taking turns driving Tim to the hospital and sitting with him each day. I am blessed that my dad and my husband respect each other so much and have such a good relationship, so my dad doesn't mind going. Mom is helping with laundry, food, and keeping the kids entertained on the days that I am at the hospital. I am so grateful that they are here. I couldn't do this without them. And we couldn't do this without your prayers, so we thank you for each prayer that is lifted up for us.