In September of 2009, Tim was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. Our prayer is that we will display God's sufficient grace throughout our test of faith. We have come to a deeper understanding of II Corinthians 12:9a which says, "...My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Missing Church

Today has been a difficult day - for the first time since he was diagnosed with cancer, Tim missed church. God has given him divine stamina and he has been able to continue to study and preach through all of his treatments. It has been amazing to see how much strength he has and it has been a testimony to many people. There were days when I didn't think he should be preaching - I knew he didn't feel well - but he would preach anyway and those days were some of his best sermons! Two Sundays ago, he was at church, but unable to preach and now today, he was not there at all.

It was very strange to get up and go the hospital instead of go to church. Needless to say, Tim greatly missed preaching and worshipping with our church family this morning. There were several other people in the treatment room with us at the hospital today who were hooked up to IV's, so I told Tim that he had a captive audience and that he could just start preaching to them ...they would have to listen! He probably would have if he hadn't been so weak! :)

It has been a privilege to be able to witness to several of those who are on the treatment team. When one of his nurses found out that we are born again Christians, she said, "Oh, that explains it! Now I understand why you both are at such peace through all of this." We were able to share how the Lord is our Rock and our Strength and it is only through His work in our hearts that His peace can be seen in difficult times. We pray that we will continue to be a witness for Him.

Tim is weak and cannot taste his food. He says that he tastes the texture of food, but not the actual taste and that makes it hard to eat. He has been forcing himself to eat small portions, but it's not easy. He was able to sit up for a short time this evening, but he gets tired very quickly and has to go back to bed. His blood counts continue to drop, which means he is feeling weaker and weaker, but that is to be expected. The treatment is going exactly as the doctor had said it would, so even though it is hard, it is encouraging to know he is responding the way he should. Thank you for your prayers on Tim's behalf.


  1. What a testimony you are to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! Only God can allow a family to go through such a trial with a peace that passes all understanding. This world is searching for such a peace, but they are looking in all the wrong places. May the Lord use you during this trial to see souls come to Him.

  2. I'm so sorry you are having to endure such a difficult time! What an encouragement you both are! God is allowing your suffering because He knows it will bring Him Glory! I am trusting God to continue to give you strength for each day and that precious hope for tomorrow! I love you so much and I can't wait to see what God does for you! AND...Congratulations on your 20th anniversary!! You both don't look older than 20, how can you be married 20 years!?

    Praying for you and your sweet children
    with Love, Crystal - Mark 10:27
